PSESL Services and Expertise include

1. Effective Project Execution, Installations and Management

Undertake project planning, system design, execution, installation and management of electrical power systems, installations and alternative energy for power supply and utilization.

2. Technical Due Diligence and Safety Audit

  • Undertake technical due diligence and safety audit of electrical power system, production facilities, factories, industries, public and private building/ commercial premises hazardous, location etc electrical installations.
  • Consultancy services on electrical health, safety and environments in private and public buildings, factories, commercial and industrial premises.
  • Training, technical capacity building and Consultancy Services in

         –         Health and safety system and programmes;

         –         Health and safety impact assessment, monitoring and                    evaluation of safety requirements in electrical power systems, factories, industries, public and private buildings, infrastructure, premises etc.

  • Undertake the supply and installation of electrical test equipment/instruments, health and safety equipment’s including personal protective equipments (PPEs) etc.

4. Drafting and Development of Technical Regulations, Codes and Rules

Consulting services on technical drafting of regulations, codes, specifications and technical standards (due diligence, Health and Safety planning according to international best practices.)

5. Technical Support Services for Effective Metering Services

Consulting services and providing expert technical support for qualitative and effective metering services, and installation of electricity meters and instruments.

6. Capacity Building and Training

Undertake manpower development trainings, capacity building workshops, conferences, seminars for private and public sectors, the power supply industry (PSI), health and safety and environment studies/programmes etc. PSESL does these with a strong view to strengthening technical expertise and leadership across the different categories of its client, staff to meet and solve their challenges. Consistent and regular trainings and capacity building help to strengthen institutions/ organisations to perform better, be more efficiently and effective.

7. Electricity and Power System Business Area

Undertake the business of providing technical support and    consulting services in the power generation, transmission, and distribution and utilization space:

                   Conventional Power Supply Systems

                   Alternative Power Supply Systems

  • Undertake System Technical Audits.

These are done with a view to help our clients to efficiently manage their energy usage and reduce energy wastage thereby reducing energy costs

  • Energy Audit and Efficiency Management

Undertake technical energy audit studies and management in electrical power system, factories, industries, commercial premises, high rise buildings etc.

  • Energy Efficiency and Management

Overall energy consumption reductions can substantially be achieved through monitoring and managing energy-use to improve efficiency. Energy efficiency allows individuals, corporate organizations and industries to reduce and mitigate risk and improve their energy management to save costs. To archive these, we focus among others on:

  • Facility energy audit (commercial, industrial, residential).
  • Electrical power systems load analysis
  • Energy re- arrangement/ redistributions.
  • Energy management and opportunity studies
  • Strategies to Energy Management

1.       Understanding Company’s Commitment

2.       Understanding Energy Use

3.       Planning and Organizing

4.       Implementation

5.       Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting